“I know that many many organizations are active and mobilizing nationwide to generate [public] comments on [new EPA regulations]. Yet...
So far, more than 1 in every 20 submitted comments has come from the campaign you're running. And we know, because of how you've set it up, that every one of those letters is unique -- not a form letter.
That's truly outstanding, impactful, work.”
— Chief External Affairs Officer, APS
“It’s really fantastic to see an organization implement practices that research proves to be most effective – despite the fact that it’s often easier to simply do things that your leadership and members might think matter.”
— Founder, Advocacy Works535
“It occurred to me that Callie Pruett could be an invaluable resource for the Coalition. She's a pro at what we're trying to do!”
— PCNTR member, after attending an Advocacy Workshop
“[Callie is] outstanding... [Her] ability to convey both information and passion is excellent.”
— APS Member
“It was such a great session - informative, interactive, and provided plenty of time for self-reflection and discussion. Thank you so much for developing the training and presenting it to staff…
…These sessions will have a long-lasting positive impact on our culture and each employee's experience...”
— Chief Human Resources Officer at American Physical Society
“Everyone there has already reached out to tell me how much they learned, and several more people who couldn't be there have asked me about the recording! It was an incredible experience, and I am so grateful for the time that you put into the presentation.”
-Audrey Davis, Loyola University MPAGS
“I seriously cannot thank you enough for being part of the Lunch and Learn series!! My boss already wants to ask you back for the fall...”
— Emily Sears, Queens University Votes